Chart to help you learn the 5 shapes (a.k.a patterns, a.k.a positions) of C-Major pentatonic of the CAGED system for guitar. Fretboard diagrams are arranged diagonally to show you where patterns line up. The circles have scale note names. Root tones have a stronger visual emphasis to provide soloing landmarks and a better overview of the shape's primary "anchor points" to help you memorize and internalize all 5 shapes.
Pro tip: the shapes are identical for all Major pentatonic scale roots, not just C-Major. For example, to get CAGED shapes for the G-Major pentatonic scale you just need to align the E-shape's (pattern 1) root tone with the 3rd fret of the lowest 6th string.
CAGED shapes are always ordered as the CAGED-word is spelled. So for our G-Major pentatonic example the next shape towards the guitar's bridge would be the D-shape, and the previous shape towards the guitar's nut would be the G-shape. The notes will naturally be different though, as opposed to what's shown on the diagrams, e.g. for the E-shape the root tone will be note G; the next note will be A, and so on.