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Free vs supporter: Only having free version
Free vs supporter: Only for supporters
Free vs supporter: All
Content grouping: Limit to 1 sample for all item variations
Content grouping: Limit to 1 sample for all items in the set
Content grouping: Do not group
Collections (any cherry-picked grouping of content)
3NPS guitar patterns arranged diagonally
All intervals (1, b2, 2, b3, 3, etc.)
All notes (C, Db, D, Eb, E, etc.)
Cadential chords for modes
CAGED system for Major
CAGED system for Minor
Characteristic tones for modes
Chords in All Keys On 1 Page
Chords in Key (Harmonized Scales)
Chords in Modes With the Same Root Note
Fretboard intervals (1, b2, 2, b3, 3, etc.)
Fretboard note maps (C, Db, D, Eb, etc.)
Full fretboard scale interval maps (C-Major, E-Phrygian, etc.)
Full fretboard scale maps (e.g. A-Minor as note names, as intervals, etc.)
Full fretboard scale note maps (C-Major, E-Phrygian, etc.)
Guitar chords for those who just picked up a guitar
Harmonized Modes of a Scale Family
How to sound modal
Learn 3NPS guitar scale patterns by comparison
Natural notes (C, D, E, etc.)
Notes in a Scale in All Keys on 1 Page
Notes in Scales
Sets (different content, the same presentation)
3NPS patterns for modes of Double Harmonic Major (arranged diagonally)
3NPS patterns for modes of Double Harmonic Major by comparison
3NPS patterns for modes of Harmonic Minor (arranged diagonally)
3NPS patterns for modes of Harmonic Minor by comparison
3NPS patterns for modes of Melodic Minor (arranged diagonally)
3NPS patterns for modes of Melodic Minor by comparison
3NPS patterns for modes of the Major scale (arranged diagonally)
3NPS patterns for modes of the Major scale by comparison
All intervals on bass guitar (1, b2, 2, b3, 3, etc.)
All intervals on guitar fretboard (1, b2, 2, b3, 3, etc.)
All notes on bass guitar (C, Db, D, Eb, E, etc.)
All notes on guitar fretboard (C, Db, D, Eb, E, etc.)
Beginner guitar chord charts
Beginner guitar chords tutorials
Cadential chords for modes of the Major scale
CAGED system guitar scale patterns for 3 harmonic layers
CAGED system patterns for 3 harmonic layers interconnected
CAGED system pentatonic patterns interconnected
CAGED system pentatonic scale patterns arranged diagonally
CAGED system scale patterns for guitar arranged diagonally
Characteristic tones for modes of the Major scale
Chords in 12 Keys: Major Scale Modes
Dorian Scale Fretboard Maps for Guitar
Guitar patterns for the CAGED system
Harmonic Minor Family Scales in 12 Keys
Harmonic Minor Modes Harmonized
Locrian Scale Fretboard Maps for Guitar
Lydian Scale Fretboard Maps for Guitar
Major Pentatonic Scale Fretboard Maps for Guitar
Major Scale Family Scales in 12 Keys
Major Scale Fretboard Maps for Guitar
Major Scale Modes Harmonized
Melodic Minor Family Scales in 12 Keys
Melodic Minor Modes Harmonized
Minor Pentatonic Scale Fretboard Maps for Guitar
Minor Scale Fretboard Maps for Guitar
Mixolydian Scale Fretboard Maps for Guitar
Natural notes on bass guitar (C, D, E, etc.)
Natural notes on guitar fretboard (C, D, E, etc.)
Phrygian Scale Fretboard Maps for Guitar
Variations (the same content, various presentations)
3 harmonic layers of the CAGED system for the Major scale
3 harmonic layers of the CAGED system for the Minor scale
3NPS patterns by comparison: Dorian vs Minor
3NPS patterns by comparison: Harmonic vs Natural Minor
3NPS patterns by comparison: Hungarian vs Harmonic Minor
3NPS patterns by comparison: Locrian vs Phrygian
3NPS patterns by comparison: Lydian Dominant vs Lydian
3NPS patterns by comparison: Lydian vs Major
3NPS patterns by comparison: Melodic Minor vs Major
3NPS patterns by comparison: Mixolydian b6 vs Mixolydian
3NPS patterns by comparison: Mixolydian vs Major
3NPS patterns by comparison: Phrygian Dominant vs Phrygian
3NPS patterns by comparison: Phrygian vs Minor
3NPS patterns: Dorian
3NPS patterns: Harmonic Minor
3NPS patterns: Hungarian Minor
3NPS patterns: Locrian
3NPS patterns: Lydian
3NPS patterns: Lydian Dominant
3NPS patterns: Major scale
3NPS patterns: Melodic Minor
3NPS patterns: Minor scale
3NPS patterns: Mixolydian
3NPS patterns: Mixolydian b6
3NPS patterns: Phrygian
3NPS patterns: Phrygian Dominant
5 beginner guitar chords of C-Major (with fingers)
Cadential chords for modes of the Major scale (as roman numerals)
Cadential chords for modes of the Major scale (with root note C)
CAGED system for Major pentatonic
CAGED system for Minor pentatonic
CAGED system for the Major scale
CAGED system for the Minor scale
Harmonic Minor Modes Harmonized (Roman Numerals)
Major Scale Modes Harmonized (Roman Numerals)
Melodic Minor Modes Harmonized (Roman Numerals)
Top 3 guitar chords for absolute beginners (with fingers)
Top 5 guitar open chords for beginners (with fingers)
Top 7 Guitar Chords for Beginner (with fingers)
Instruments and their properties
Instrument layout
Fretboard note and interval maps
Instrument layout
Applicable to any instrument
Lowest note of the tuning
Lowest Note A
Lowest Note A#/Bb
Lowest Note B
Lowest Note C
Lowest Note C#/Db
Lowest Note D
Lowest Note D#/Eb
Lowest Note E
Lowest Note F
Lowest Note F#/Gb
Lowest Note G
Number of strings
4 strings
5 strings
6 strings
7 strings
8 strings
Alternate tuning (DADGAD, etc.)
Double Drop tuning (6-string Double-Drop D, etc.)
Drop tuning (6-string Drop-D, 7-string Drop-A, etc.)
Open Tuning (Open-E, Open-G, etc.)
Standard tuning (E-Standard, D-Standard, etc.)
Music theory and fundamentals
Music theory
Modal Harmony
Music theory
Parallel modes
Notation and symbols
Scale formula notation
Scales, chords and modes
7th chords
Note count for scales and chords
3 notes
4 notes
5 notes
6 notes
7 notes
8 notes
Roots for scales and chords
A root
B root
C root
C#/Db root
D root
D#/Eb root
E root
F root
F#/Gb root
G root
G#/Ab root
Scale groups
Augmented scale family
Augmented scale modes
Blues scale family
Diminished scale family
Diminished scale modes
Double harmonic major modes
Double harmonic major scale family
Harmonic major modes
Harmonic major scale family
Harmonic minor modes
Harmonic minor scale family
Major scale family
Major scale modes
Melodic minor modes
Melodic minor scale family
Symmetrical scales
Scale systems for guitar
3NPS scale system
CAGED scale system
Fretboard scale patterns
Pattern style: boxed (fretting hand remains in the same position)
Pattern style: diagonal (fretting hand moves sideways)
Patterns with 2 notes per string
Patterns with 3 notes per string
Patterns with varying number of notes per string: 2 and 3
Scale systems with 5 patterns
Scale systems with 7 patterns
Scales and modes
Augmented Inverse scale
Augmented scale
Diminished scale
Diminished scale mode 2: Dominant diminished
Double harmonic major mode 4: Hungarian minor
Harmonic major
Harmonic major mode 2: Dorian b5
Harmonic major mode 3: Phrygian b4
Harmonic major mode 4: Lydian b3
Harmonic major mode 5: Mixolydian b2
Harmonic major mode 6: Lydian Augmented #2
Harmonic major mode 7: Locrian bb7
Harmonic minor
Harmonic minor mode 2: Locrian #6
Harmonic minor mode 3: Major Augmented
Harmonic minor mode 4: Dorian #4
Harmonic minor mode 5: Phrygian dominant
Harmonic minor mode 6: Lydian #2
Harmonic minor mode 7: Super-Locrian bb7
Major Blues scale
Major pentatonic
Major scale
Major scale mode 2: Dorian
Major scale mode 3: Phrygian
Major scale mode 4: Lydian
Major scale mode 5: Mixolydian
Major scale mode 7: Locrian
Melodic minor
Melodic minor mode 2: Dorian b2
Melodic minor mode 3: Lydian Augmented
Melodic minor mode 4: Lydian Dominant
Melodic minor mode 5: Mixolydian b6
Melodic minor mode 6: Half-Diminished
Melodic minor mode 7: Altered scale
Minor Blues scale
Minor pentatonic
Minor scale
Whole tone scale
Content details
Content data presentation
As blank notes (flat style)
As chord names
As color-coded harmonic layers
As comparison (X vs Y)
As note names
As roman numerals
As scale degrees (1, b2, 2, b3, 3, 4, #4, etc.)
Diagram positioning: connected
Diagram positioning: diagonal
Diagram positioning: separated
On the fretboard with 12 frets
On the fretboard with 13 frets
On the fretboard with 22 frets
On the fretboard with 24 frets
With blank pattern-filler notes
With finger numbers
With grayed out adjacent scale patterns
With parallel roots aligned vertically
Content features
Comprehensive legend / Guide / Tips
Content type
Chart / Diagram
Video tutorial (lesson)
Dark mode
Minimalist design
Neutral design
Difficulty level
Print orientation